My Daylight bulb has blown and it is surprising how much you begin to rely on things once you become accustomed to using them. I have had one on order from a chap on eBay for a few days now, so hopefully it will arrive without being damaged by my posty so i can crack on.
Talking of eBay it seems marshal Ney has been kidnapped by the mafia as he has disappeared in Italy somewhere ( i may wake up with a horses head in my bed just for saying this, but atleast it will make a change from the mrs). This is not the first time I have sent something to Italy and it has disappeared, maybe their posties are all wargamers? Anyway now i have to try and get compensation from royal mail which i have never successfully done in the past, like any insurance pay out they are always looking for an excuse not to pay. The money i made from selling this bought me the 2nd battalion of Nassau Usingen which are now undercoated awaiting the new bulb.
I have decided that i will base them on 6 60mmx45mm bases which will give them a nice chunky compact look. I ordered these bases from east riding miniatures on Monday and amazingly they turned up Tuesday along with some 45x45mm bases i will be using soon.
Also on the desk, you may be able to see in the pic a couple of Napoleons these will be on ebay and will go towards the coffers for SELWG in October. I also have a load of Sassanids and Normans to paint up for a friend, but thats a different story...
Hi there, I was just reading about your item getting lost on its way to Italy in ebay. I have been warned by an Italian friend never to send to Italy unless it is sign on delivery (then after posting on the discussion board a good few British ebayers contacted me to say the same). For some reason their post seems to loose a lot of parcels (a lot!) and the occasional chancer as well (who are quite happy to leave people negative feedback).
Hi Paul, thanks for the heads up. It has happened to me once before, but i put it down to bad luck. Now i know it is definitely Cosa Nostra. Sadly I will not send to Italy again.