Warlord Games Landsknecht Pikemen
Finished basing the 70 new pikemen.
There are about 50 or so more figures to go - the Black Band and command
figures. Once the command figures are done, ...
Wings at War South Pacific
One of the chaps on the Facebook Wings at War group has developed a really
interesting variant of the rules for the South Pacific theatre,
specifically P...
Creating a Royalist Horse Regiment
So, I recently found the 'Victory without Quarter' Face book group and it's
put me back into the ECW era.
The group is very useful as it's full of exper...
Gaming - Ardennes ‘44 - first game
The collection had a proper run out today . I used the 12x6 set up to
maximise playing area and see how the terrain created for the 8x4 set up
needs add...
Dracula's America-Dagon Rising!
Myself and Luis had the seventh and final game in our Forbidden Powers
campaign set in the Swamplands of the Deep South. We played this as a
one-off ca...
Wilco Brush Cleaning Pad
This was a recent find from a local charity shop. A Make Up Brush Cleaning
Pad which I thought would make a great drybrush testing pad as well as
Big, Angry Lizards
A handful of ‘90’s vintage Saurus Warriors, to provide some proper muscle
to back up their skink cousins. Just a quick ‘table ready’ paint job.
I thin...
Caesarian Romans
For a long time I've wanted to do Caesarian Romans in particular the
Wargames Foundry ones as I always really liked them and to this day still
consider t...
More Napoleonic Italians
Another pair of battalions to add to my Napoleonic Italian Brigade, now up
to four battalions.
That complete two battalions for each of the 1st (on the lef...
Return of the Cold September
Return of the Cold September
Eldar Pirates
Old World Army Challenge 8
After taking a year off the OWAC (#7) I'm back for The Ocho in 2025. This
year I'm re...
The White Swan
I have started a dedicated page on this blog for my 'Wars of the Roses"
project. Click on the link in the "pages' bar above or visit..
The White Swan
2026 will be the 150th year since the 1876 Great Plains Centennial
Campaign. In that year thousands of Lakota Sioux and Northern Cheyenne
fought the US...
Some excess photos
I managed to take a couple of new pictures of my figures, intended for use
in the new Saga rules supplement 'Age of Chivalry'. Whilst several pictures
- ne...
L'Age de la Chevalerie, Saison 2 fin de session 2
Et un 4ème chevalier pour finir cette session.
Toujours aussi peu efficace, je n'arrive pas à voir le bout de cette unité.
J'ai encore 2 chevaliers à f...
Vamps lead the League!
News from northern Australia where Bloodbowl coach 'Right Stuff" Reilly
sits proudly at the top of the standings with his still undefeated Vampire
20mm War of 1812 Second Phase Complete!
The second phase of Bill's Frying Pan & Blanket Amalgamated commission is
based, sealed, and ready to pack for shipping! These 302 figures took
around two ...
Crann Tara Palatine Pfalz Kürassier. 1740s.
These chaps are Crann Tara French Fitz James' Cavalry figures from their
WAS/SYW range masquerading as Kürassier in the service of the
Colonel Claude Runciman and Josefina Lacosta
I was suffering with "the Lurgy" this week but had a quick change from 6mm
to 28mm.
So I pulled out a couple of figures in the 28mm Napoleonic backlog t...
Burgundian Siege (2)
I'm on the cusp of recommencing painting more Swiss & Burgundians - I've
totted-up howmany figures I need to do for a large Berne pike block and
some suppo...
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Dronningens Livregiment
Another unit for my growing Danish army... Warfare Miniatures, of course!
The mounted officer is from one of the Cuirassier Officer packs (tricorns &
Updated Bloodybacks! rules for the AWI
I have revised and updated these rules and changed these on the "pages"
section of the blog.
So, we are now up to version 9.
There are some key additi...
Tutorials on TAP (The Army Painter that is)
*Taps microphone* Is this thing on? Wow, it's been quite a while since the
last time I posted on here, but I'm back! Where have I been I hear you
Another quick post. Good chum Colin gifted these lovely resin pieces to me
(thanks mate!). These were beautifully cast and very straightforward to
paint us...
Reiksguard Unit Complete!!
For my January submission to the Call of the Crown painting challenge I
have produced a unit of 15 Reiksguard knights to act as the elite heavily
Hello world!
Welcome to Astra Starter Templates. This is your first post. Edit or delete
it, then start blogging!
The post Hello world! first appeared on mythicast.com.
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
Martian whimsy
I fancied making something a little more whimsical for Mars... Why not a
bandstand and some gardens.
For the bandstand the roof was printed and most of t...
British Light Infantry
The light company of the 49th Regiment of Foot was part of the 2nd Light
Battalion formed in North America by General Howe's order of 14th May 1776.
The ot...
Kessel Run Game Project Part II
from prototype to hero model
Of Ships and Space and Sealing Wax... Continuing to build all the parts for
my upcoming Kessel Run Race game,
Last time we...
Warhammer 30k - Horus Heresy Era Imperial Army List
Presented here is the first draft of my *Imperial Army * list for Warhammer
30k. This allows players to create armies of human warriors to face off
Airplane stands for my Aeronefs
I've been working on different ideas for my aeronef stands - and finally
got a solution I'm happy with.
For the Aeronef and Imperial Skies rules, hexago...
A new direction on an old road
Bern front ranks
In the early 1980s, I, like many others were enormously inspired by the
pictures in the early editions of Miniature Wargames of Pete...
Lost expedition - and a Kickstarter
A big game will be running over the next 30 days (or so), and I thought
I'll chip in and paint a character for this huge game of archetypes, nobles
and her...
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
15mm Savage Northmen Cavalry........
*.....from the north and Copplestone Castings!*
*Lots painted but blogging is becoming a little harder to achieve lately
but anyway let's be getting on......
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Whence the Labyrinth?
Dungeons are probably the most common adventure locale in role playing
games; they were the cornerstone of every adventure in the early days, and
remain po...
Brunswick Light Infantry 1st Battalion
Continuing the new non-British European slant, here is a company of
Brunswickers from the 1st Light Battalion, presumably fighting somewhere in
or around H...
Saying hello: Jean-Pascal Tran
Hi, and thanks for following. This blog isn't very active at the moment,
because my figure gaming life is pretty much moribund. When I moved to this
part o...
Some New 40K Terrain
Today I finished off some more terrain for Kill Team. First up, this
building from the Sector Frontiers set.
Very serviceable piece, and a fun model to ...
ASOIAF: 40pt Boltons with Ramsay
*You know it's real when everyone else is in armor and you're naked.*
I've been dying to write this piece. Beknownst to some, while Tywin is my
Going back to Middle Earth
I've dove head long back into Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings and
the Hobbit were a huge piece of my Childhood. My Pop Jim Sr read the books
to u...
The Royal Navy Marines, Part 2
To continue, Redcoats on the Royal Navy Marines always look so intimidating
on the table...
Crew (can be used as Privateers or even Pirates)
Marines and ...
Imperial Germans XI
I've a few additions to share in regards to the Imperial German project.
First up is a second artillery battery:
Another batch of Uhlans for the 9th (2nd...
291: Tomb Raiders
As I mothball my blog I'm taking stock of my hobby and armies as they
Here at the end of 2018, this is my whole Necron army. What started off as...
Kicking it with the Homies
The feared El Taco Cartel homies are kicking it Southside, plotting and
scheming on ways to get product across or under the border. Figures are
28mm S...
Frostgrave: Die Diebe sind nun komplett fertig!
Beide Diebe für meine Soothsayer-Bande sind nun für ihre Aufgaben bereit!
Nun ist auch ist auch das Base für den zweiten Dieb beschneit und damit
Blucher Revisited
Hi Team
It's been a few months since I played a game of BLUCHER so Rowan and I
decided to have another game.
We settled on 250 points each and Rowan comman...
Meet Emrim
Meet Emrim. For a dwarf (and a thief*) he's a good sort, and a fine shot to
have alongside you in a fight. Not *behind* you, mind, he's not a perfect
shot ...
My Double Trouble 4 Battle Reports
I was thrilled to be able to play in my last ever event. Not least because
I'd spent a decent chunk of time in the run up to the event getting my army
Team Yankee
Ok Mark Piper and I played our first game of Team Yankee in nearly 3 years
and had a ball. We play in 20mm but don’t make any changes to ranges but
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
15mm Umbrian I/55e - Psiloi - completati!
Le due basette di schermagliatori per l'esercito Umbro I/55 (DBA rev. 2.2.)
sono state completate. Le miniature sono della Essex, la scala è la 15mm.
Visit to Waterloo
I was incredibly lucky to have had the chance to travel to 1 of our
Napoleonic bucket list battlefields this month. With 3 other Napoleonic
daft chaps we ...
Workbench April 2018
So this month I didn't work on multiple projects, it was just full steam
ahead with Super Dungeon Explore...
First up we have the last of the heroes, The ...
Cheesestealer Cult progress plus Primaris Reivers
I've slowly been working on the first 498pts of my Cheesestealer Cult aka
the "Nezu". One mostly finished guy and a bunch with yellow down (using
Mighty Empires Hexagons
Hi everyone,
Just finished up painting the Mighty Empires plastic hexagons and I put on
them on Ebay for sale. These pieces come with detail on both sides...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
French Line Infantry
Here are two battalions of 1812 to 1815 French Line Infantry. The figures
are all Perry Miniatures, a mix of plastic and metal and most of them...
October already?
The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad
This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change.
Just a few lines to let you know I'm well. After three years of silence, I
could be back to wargaming and game design in a short time. People change,
life ...
STAW 2017
Conan: Bêlit, Queen of the Black Coast
Bêlit is the eponymous character from Queen of the Black Coast, and is
Conan's first real love (of only two). She's a pirate queen, terrorizing
the South...
Fun in the AWI, a 50th Birthday Bash!
Down't club a few weeks ago having a most excellent AWI game (re-fighting
Germanstown) with all of Doug's magnificent AWI collection for his 50th. We
did t...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
'The Pikeman's Lament' arrives
In today’s post I received a familiar shaped cardboard package. It was, as
I hoped, the latest release from Osprey Publishing, ‘The Pikeman's Lament’.
Elizabeth Wiese
Eli is 29 years old. She is my wife. 2 days ago, Doctors detected a
malignant tumor in her brain. It is too big to be removed completly and
Doctors have ...
Space Wolves VS Orks Zone Mortalis Battle Report
*This week's battle report is from Joseph Forgeard. Space Wolves come to
the aid of the Imperial Guard, who have fallen back to a barricade under
the rel...
Samurai project rebooted!
Samurai Project has been rebooted!
first three figures shown below. Not sure what rules set I will be using,
just enjoying the painting at the moment :)
Borodino - taking Utilisa
Last weekend we fought our annual game, this time focusing on the Poles and
the village of Utilisa at Borodino.
We think we may have set a world record for...
The Sunken Road at Antietam
Looking east inside the Sunken Road. The tower on the distance marks the
point in which the road turn to the right heading south. It also marks the
Appendix N: May 2016 Edition
I've been looking for some decent bookcases for about four years.
I finally came across the bookcases, above, which a used bookstore were
getting rid ...
Bene signori, lascerò parlare le foto anzichè farla lunga. Diciamo
comunque che fare questa tomba di Balin è per me più che una sfida, diciamo
quasi un on...
Olivers Army: Part 1 'Our Kid'
I admit it, I got carried away and spent all of last week writing new rules
and games and all things *Winter of '79*.
What had started out as a short and...
El Cid - Reconquista pt 8
I have just finished up four bases of Skirmish bow. I have been busy with
school - still - so I have not had too much time for painting. I am at
least on t...
Emhar Set 7206 Saxon Warriors
Hi chaps!
Just a quick update in my blog.
Some figures, from Emhar's excellent set (Saxon Warriors), I recently
The colour variation is not ver...
Warclouds: Craig Parker FTW!
Hey Folks,
So 2016. I wont bore you with a "New Years Post" as I am notoriously bad at
posting anyway...but plan to keep up a bit this year anyway.
I am still alive!
and this time I am painting Prussians!
It has been a long time since I posted anything so let me say that I am
glad to be back again!
2014 was a busy...
Pike & Shotte Reprise
Been a while since we have posted on the blog. The flurry of activity
getting the boards ready and then getting the article out took a lot
energy. Howev...
Waterloo (1970) the souvenir programme
Everyone else on the wargaming blogosphere seems to be celebrating the
200th anniversary of Waterloo today with quite a few posts featuring the
poster ...
A quick update.
Just a quick update as I've not posted in a while. Work on the 15mm Feudal
English army for DBA continues (photos to follow) and should should be
20mm WW2 - M20, M10 and M8
There we go again. I had a long break from painting but a trip to Salute
and a vist to Normandy in May did the trick this time. I've sort of
finished the A...
Battle in a box UPDATE
After another long hiatus I've finally got my act together to post
something! The pictures above are of some factory - industrial building
terrain ba...
A new deployment
New Deployment:
By 749.M41 the 291st Death Korps of Krieg had received the bulk of its
draft of replacements from Krieg. The replacements had been integr...
Waterloo, Braine l'Alleud
Was lucky enough to visit the Waterloo battlefield in Belgium last week, it
has been on my bucket list for a long time. I wasn’t disappointed, 200
years ...
The Battle That Never Was
After much planning and work on those of us involved real life took over
and forced us to cancel our planned Battle of Marston Moor game. So
instead, we ...
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
CONAN , the board game
Some friends who bought into the Conan board game kickstarter printed out
the starter gameboard, cards an other items, made a dice conversion sheet
and we ...
Price rise on decal sets
my decal supplier has put the price of decals up, so I'm going to have to
pass that price on. So now decal sets are going to be £4.00 each.
Also I'm pleased...
Some reinforcements for SoBaH
Hey Guys,
I have painted some miniatures as reinforcements for my Song of Blades &
Heroes warbands.
The whole group together. On the left two Norse or...
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's
hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup!
complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
I have a new website! Complete with a store and educational archive. A lot
of the walk-throughs posted here will end up in the tutorials section of
the sit...
Auctioning my Space Wolves Army!
My friends, all good things must come to an end, and so I have decided to
part with my dear Space Wolves army with the help of eBay. My army, led by
Painting Table Update
Hi all,
Wow 2 posts in 2 days, I'm on a roll! Thought I would post up the paint
station every now and then to share what I'm currently working on.
Casting Season
It's casting season here at the Lead Gardens. The weather has "springed
up" and it's perfect for getting
outside and starting on some summer casting proj...
Just a shy attempt
*After such a long break in posting I nearly feel I should introduce myself
*So I seem to be the same Ańa... still a red-haired girl with glasses and a...
World Cup Group Odds
World Cup 2014 Outright Winner Betting Odds
This performs the exact same way with men and women You and I might get
infected with worms unintentionally swa...
Mordheim Campaign start is sneaking up on me
I have slacked a little in posting WIP for my Mordheim preparations but
that doesn't mean I haven't been hard at work, quite the contrary.
I am nearly done...
Tyrolian Rebels 1809
Here my frist Tyrolian Command unit.
The figure are fro Eureka Miniatures and the flags
do Stuart Wilson from Maverick Flags for me.
Beautilful flags!
Games from the 2013 Congress
A few pics of some of the games at the Napoleonic Congress this year
the brave frigate cops it form a first rate at close range!
French vs British Penins...
SCW's Latest Fundraising Project
Please check out our latest effort for the holidays at Santa Cruz Warhammer and
you can help up make this holiday wish come true.
Back from the Warp!
Well, it has been a while! I've been up to quite a bit over the last few
months. As you can see from the picture above I managed to get the World
Saxe-Coburg Voltigeurs, 4th regiment of the Rhine
The first two battalions for the 4th Rhinbund regiment included a voltigeur
company comprising of men supplied by the duchies of Saxe- Coburg-Saalfeld.
Flames of war - open fire Germans
I was given this as a present for Christmas (after some rather in subtle
hinting from me) Mrs Kipper treated me, like many of a certain age I've
had/ playe...
One last plug for the IN HER MAJESTY'S NAME Nickstarter from Osprey and
North Star Miniatures, which runs until 18th April. Spiffing stuff.
Back from AWOL.
Hi everyone, it has been too long. I got a chance to kick around the house
today for the first time in months and decided I would make it a priority
to po...
Painting a Helldrake x2
Let me start off by saying I know I am not a great painter. There are tons
of great painters out there and I am thankful for the fact that they
produce gr...
Painting Tutorial
Hello all together,
just wanted to let you know that I have released a painting tutorial for
Landskenchts on our new website: Click this link to get to the...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
More Vikings....
Finished the next two Vikings. Gripping Beast and Artizan.
Pictures still aren't the best, but for the moment that's all there is.
The next pair ar...
Austrian 1st Uhlans 'Schwarzenberg'
(Originally posted on the Home Page on Sept. 2nd, 2012)
As I mentioned in an earlier post these fellas have been kicking their
heels on my paint desk for ...
Current projects
After lots of sorting out of the lead pile, and an ongoing ebay sell off
I've settled on a couple of periods that I want to spend real time on. The
first i...
Six player corps sized game
This Tuesday six of us gathered at our club for a "big game" of General de
Brigade. We had set up a table 180cm deep and 480cm long (6x16'). I, Nisse
and M...
A Couple of Short Scraps
It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but we have still been
playing out the campaign in the meantime. Our battle at Markendorf
finished prematur...
Lancers forward!
Some Imperial Mexican lancers looking to skewer any poor republicans that
happen in their way. First Corp figures converted from their Rush's Lancers
15mm Urban Bases [URBCOBSET1]
Some test shots of a new range of nominally 15mm-20mm bases. The range will
consist of both the standard base plus the popular blind holes to accept
Models for sale and new book!
I mentioned before that I would be selling most of my collection. After
much deliberation, I will be keeping some of it (such as my 15mm ECW
project which ...
Macbeth is a Pussy
Sup guys
today I am going to tell you a story about a guy
who sucks so bad you aren't even allowed to say his name in theaters anymore
his name is
The end of my Sharks.
And so I must let you all know that I am stopping my Space Sharks.
After the triumph of my Star Wars themed army, I need to look at all of my
armies and ch...
Fin des émissions pour un avenir prévisible
End of programme for the foreseeable future.
Comme vous avez pu le constater, depuis un certain temps, les mises à jour
de ce blog se sont faites de plus e...
Hello Kitty WIP complete!...wait..what?!
No Space Shark update today, got one one of the girliest post you'll ever
see on deck instead.
I have had another project on my table to complete with th...
We're Moving!!
Well bear cubs, IIWPA... is about to change, hopefully for the better. I
have partnered up with Pariah Stevo and Wiley the Nord to create Da Deff
Crusade Mighty
Hey guys, Mighty here with the first part of my Black Templar army. I just
purchased the Space Marine battle force, a box of Space Marine Terminators,
(PM-05) Cretan Archers - Part 1
This is a bit of a quickie project. It's part of my experiments with
"dipping." I've posted a bit abour my first experiment at my regular blog.
As a "quic...
last post b4 xmas
no doubt this will be my last post before Xmas, with some international
brigade figures finished and a republican HMG team.but on the paint table
from toda...
French Porte-Fanions.... a little help here.
Next up for my French is another line battalion, I've started with the
figures left over from my first Victrix box and I'm going to add to that
Celtic and Roman Wheats
I wrote a short article about Iron Age and Roman wheat varieties over at my
wife's gluten free cooking blog, *TheSpunkyCoconut.com*. I also made the
above ...
I was looking forward to last weekend as i had a GREAT one planned. I had
booked Saturday night off work a few weeks back and was planning to travel
down s...
Beautiful as always; the new owner will be pleased. Dean
ReplyDeleteVery nice!