So here it is in order of importance
This is where i am spending most of my hobby time right now. The 28mm Napoleonic wargamer is now truly spoilt for choice when it comes to figures and rules. Over the last few years Perry miniatures Napoleonics range has kept growing at a fantastic rate. With the new golden age of hard plastic figures upon us having huge armies is now something we can all reasonably budget for. This was one of the reasons I got back into Napoleonics in the first place. I have had a seven year break after selling off my massive Austrian and French 1809 campaign armies, which i created using AB figures 15mm range.
So with that in mind, how comes the regiments which I am starting my new collection with are all metal figures? it would of been much cheaper and simpler for me to buy and paint up half dozen British and French battalions using the box sets available and just add the plastic cavalry regiments. Especially now Perrys have announced their British hussars plastic box set.

But, no. That would be far to easy...
What really caught my imagination was reading "The Battle of Quatre Bras" by Mike Robinson. A fantastic book which I literally could not put down.
So I have plunged headlong into recreating the forces involved in this confusing, exciting and very messy battle. Luckily for me there were some very interesting and colourful regiments involved. being your typical Englishman and proud, I shamefully no next to nothing about our allies in the conflict, except that they were just there to make up the numbers......
So when I am not changing nappies or painting I am educating myself by researching the Dutch, Belgian and German armies of 1815.
I already have an army of hairy Norwegians which I have gamed with regularly over the past few years, it is currently and slowly evolving into a Hiberno-Norse force with the addition of some Gripping beast and Crusader Irish.
I have recently bought WAB2 and look forward to my first game using the army under the new rules on the 23rd October. We are playing a what if? scenario. What if Hardrada had beat Godwinson at Stamford bridge and made his way south to face Billy the bastard.
I will write up a detailed battle report on my rather forgotten blog link